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The Independent Critic

 Heartland International Film Festival Archive 

Indy's Heartland Film has been a longtime friend and supporter of Richard Propes and The Independent Critic. The Heartland Archive features reviews of Heartland-associated films:

HOS: Heartland Official Selection w/year
HA: Heartland Film Fest Award Winner (award name, year included)
TMPA: Truly Moving Picture Award Recipient
ISOS: Indy Shorts Official Selection w/year
ISA: Indy Shorts Award Winner (award name, year included)
O: Includes other films screened by Heartland Film in any capacity

Heartland Films A-C Heartland Films D-F Heartland Films G-J Heartland Films K-N Heartland Films O-R Heartland Films S-V Heartland Films W-Z