Book Review: The Only Constant by Najwa Zebian
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Dr. Najwa Zebian is a Lebanese-Canadian activist, author, poet, educator, and speaker based in London, Ontario whose popularity "instapoetry" on Instagram would only offer a peek into her substantial gifts. Dr. Zebian gained popularity as the "Me Too" movement rose and would offer TEDx talks and a variety of popular media interviews.
Since 2016, Dr. Zebian has been writing about a wide variety of themes related to her life experiences of love, friendship, honesty, and identity. Dr. Zebian writes from both feelings of displacement and heartbreak through to healing from abuse, rebuilding, connecting, and living an authentic life.
It's that willingness to embrace change and lead an authentic life that most comes to life In her latest book "The Only Constant: A Guide to Embracing Change and Leading an Authentic Life."
With "The Only Constant," the author weaves together autobiographical material and gentle wisdom to guide us toward coming to terms with impermanence and embracing change that allows us to move toward becoming the persons we were meant to be. While "The Only Constant" is a gentle and often tender guide, Dr. Zebian understands that change isn't easy but it's the gateway to "authentic transformation."
From job changes to relationships, loss/grief to simple and everyday realities, Dr. Zebian helps us filter away the noise and guides us toward accepting ourselves in the here and now and openly confronting the obstacles that try to keep us from who we are meant to be.
Along the way, she shares her own personal experiences from change. This is, perhaps, most poignant, when she discusses processing through and rejecting her culture's definition of what constitutes a "good woman." Respectfully, she leans into her own beliefs so that she could live a more honest life. Along the way, she becomes a mentor, guide, and facilitator for our own life changes big and small.
"The Only Constant" is straightforward and practical guide leading us toward and through unfamiliar territory. It's a companion that nurtures and affirms us as we deal with our fears, anxieties, and obstacles in embracing change. Yet, it's also the nudge we need to step into these feelings and make the changes necessary to live more authentic lives.
Dr. Zebian discusses why change is hard, what stops us from changing, how to deal with changes we don't expect or want, and ultimately comes down toward embracing change and leading the authentic life we want.
Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic
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